May 30, 2024

Air Quality Specialists Jennifer Webb and Jon Holmes On Wildfires & Air Quality in Let’s Talk Clean Air Podcast

With various large wildfires across the country burning through the winter and into the early spring, 2024’s wildfire season is off to an early start and is sure to continue into the summer as higher temperatures and longer droughts in some regions of the United States and Canada create the ideal conditions for uncontained fires. As these blazes rage on, Camfil air quality specialists Jennifer Webb and Jon Holmes are urging the public to pay close attention to their surrounding air quality.

Webb and Holmes, both with years of experience in monitoring air quality and optimizing solutions, explain the effects of wildfires on air quality and the best ways to protect your health from the dangers of being exposed to wildfire smoke pollutants.

2024 Wildfires in the United States

According to the National Interagency Coordination Center, there were 56,580 separate wildfires in the United States in 2023, burning a total of 2,693,910 of forest throughout the year. Although last year’s wildfires burned across less land than in previous years, significant declines in ambient air quality impacted people across the country during and after major wildfire events throughout most of the year, particularly in the summer.

In 2024, there are currently 10 large uncontained wildfires burning 22,372 acres in five states (four fires in West Virginia, three in Virginia, and one each in Oklahoma, Georgia, and Kentucky). There have been 5,260 wildfires so far this year, which sits below the 10-year...

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