How Cheap AC Filters Prevent Adequate Office Ventilation? Camfil Air Filtration Expert Explains.
Using low-cost AC filters in the workplace can lead to inadequate ventilation and the accumulation of harmful contaminants, resulting in various health issues and reduced employee productivity.
A healthy work environment requires adequate office ventilation and air filtration. Unfortunately, many businesses take shortcuts and use low-cost AC filters to save money. While this may appear to be a cost-effective approach, it might have significant implications.
One significant disadvantage of low-cost AC filters is that they do not filter adequately to remove dangerous contaminants from the air. As a result, air toxins can accumulate in the office environment, causing various health issues. CO2 accumulation is one of the most visible signs of a ventilation issue.
According to Mark Davidson, Manager of Marketing and Technical Materials at Camfil USA, "Not only do you have to worry about what the extra CO2 is doing to brain function, but the buildup itself means there could be other harmful air pollutants that are not being efficiently removed from the air supply."
Aside from low-cost filters, other variables can contribute to poor indoor ventilation. Improperly calibrated systems, changes in occupancy, and changes in the surrounding environment can all lead to a drop in indoor air quality.
Finally, organizations must invest in high-quality air filtration systems designed to remove dangerous contaminants from the air properly. This promotes a healthy work environment but also aids in preventing potential health issues and increases employee productivity.
Anyone wishing to improve their workplace IAQ should begin by locating a business air filtration company that understands the importance of office air quality. Contact Camfil's air filtration experts to learn more about workplace air filtration and get advice on choosing the type of filter that suits your needs.
Source: Growing Body of Research Reveals Link Between Commercial AC Filters and Employee Brain Function
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Lynne Laake
Camfil USA Air Filters
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