Strategies for Enhancing Indoor Air Quality of Life Sciences Labs
Maintaining indoor air quality (IAQ) is as critical as ensuring clean outdoor air, as both impact the health, safety and comfort of millions. While global efforts focus on outdoor air quality, it is essential for schools, manufacturers, healthcare institutions, biotech companies and commercial building owners to take responsibility for the IAQ within their facilities. Air filters play a crucial role in achieving high IAQ by capturing various contaminants present in indoor environments.
Indoor air pollutants originate from multiple sources, including particulate matter, chemicals from cleaning products and pesticides, off-gassing from building materials, germs, bacteria and outdoor air pollution. Sensitive industries, such as life sciences, face unique contaminants and risks that can affect worker health and research outcomes.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies IAQ as one of the top five most urgent environmental risks to public health. In the short term, poor IAQ can cause headaches and eye irritations and exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma. Long-term exposure to air contaminants can even result in lung and heart disease.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires companies to provide a place of employment free from recognized hazards that can harm employees. It also lists regulated air contaminants. By using Camfil air filters, companies can seek to comply with permissible exposure limits (PELs) by capturing contaminated air...
Read Full Story: https://cleanair.camfil.us/2024/07/25/strategies-for-enhancing-indoor-air-quality-of-life-sciences-labs/
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