May 30, 2024

VLOG 7: Uncovering the True Cost of Air Filters – A Discussion with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell

Analyzing Data for Optimized Air Filtration Solutions

In the seventh and final edition of this vlog series, we continue our insightful conversation with Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell from Camfil, focusing on how collected data is utilized to uncover the hidden costs of air filters.

Mark Davidson and Dave Blackwell in the YouTube Short Video: Are There Hidden Costs to Air Filters?.

Mark’s Inquiry: The Application of Collected Data

Mark Davidson is curious about the practical use of the extensive data collected during facility surveys, including information about filters, equipment, application, and environmental factors.

Dave’s Explanation: Camfil’s Advanced Analysis Tools

Dave Blackwell delves into how Camfil employs its proprietary software, known as Life Cycle Costing software (LCC), which has been developed over decades. This advanced tool, along with numerous test ducts, mobile test labs in operation around the country, and specialized on-site testing equipment, enables Camfil to run continuous tests and gather data. The software isn’t limited to just Camfil filters. It includes competitive filters as well.

The Role of LCC in Filter Performance Analysis

With the LCC, Dave explains that the tool models the performance curves of different air filters. This capability allows the comparison of two or three different filter solutions side by side, showcasing the performance of each. This comparative analysis is crucial in recommending an optimized filter solution...

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